
网易彩票下载's 学生行为准则 are based on the University's Christian mission and are intended to provide a positive learning environment, 促进知识分子, 社会, 精神上的, 以及学生的身体健康, 促进性格的形成. It is our expectation that students understand the standards that govern the personal conduct of all SPU students and student organizations, 并且在他们作为大学的学生期间遵守这些标准.

Behaviors for which students or student organizations are subject to disciplinary action include, 但不限于, 以下几点:

  1. 违反联邦、州或地方法律的行为. The University reserves the right to follow its normal conduct and accountability processes whenever a student is acc使用 of a criminal act, regardless of the location of its occurrence and regardless of whether civil or criminal proceedings have been instituted against the student. 大学也保留举报违反联邦法律的权利, 状态, 或将当地法律移交给适当的执法机构.
  2. 干扰教育过程或大学管理的行为, 包括妨碍或破坏大学校舍使用的行为, 建筑, 房间, 或段落, 或者在校内或校外制造骚乱.
  3. Dishonesty such as cheating or plagiarism; knowingly furnishing false information; alteration or unauthorized 使用 of University documents, 记录, or property; mis使用 of student identification; or possession and/or us年龄 of false identification. 持有虚假身份证件的学生将面临每次至少150美元的罚款. 
    • 3.任何故意举报或诬告他人的学生, or who knowingly provides false or misleading information in connection with an investigation may face disciplinary action or sanction, 包括停学或开除学籍. If a staff member administering a student accountability process or similar proceeding believes false reports, 指控, 或者陈述可能是恶意的, 工作人员可以提出这个问题,供在这个过程中审议. 除了, 学生们也可能会对可能的虚假报告感到担忧, 指控, 或与管理有关程序的工作人员谈话. 这项规定并不禁止善意的举报或指控. 违反 学校的报复政策 还将通过适当的程序加以解决吗. 
    • 3.2 违反学术诚信: A breach of academic integrity occurs when a student receives academic benefits he or she did not earn through his or her own work, 通过欺骗或抄袭. 更明显的学术不诚实包括以下几种:
      • 考试时抄袭别人的作业.
      • 用偷来的考题来准备考试.
      • 带着隐藏的答案参加考试.
      • 把别人的工作当成自己的.
      • 抄袭(i).e. copying portions of another individual's words from a published 或电子 source without acknowledging that source).
    1. Failure to comply with the directions of authorized University officials in the performance of their duties, 包括在被要求出示身份证件时没有出示身份证件, 未能充分参与学生问责过程, 以及未能遵守指定的制裁条款.
    2. 参与任何涉及种族歧视或骚扰的行为, 种族, 国家的起源, 年龄, 宗教, 残疾, 或性.
    3. 引起或威胁情绪的活动, 精神, or physical harm or suffering; that demean the dignity of any individual; or that interfere with any individual’s academic process. 这种行为的例子是口头威胁或辱骂, 骚扰, 恐吓, 威胁或实际的身体攻击, 或者一贯无视任何人的权利和福利.
      • 6.欺侮:“欺侮”包括加入学生组织或生活团体的任何方法, 或与此类组织或生活群体有关的任何消遣或娱乐, 导致, 或可能导致, 身体危险或身体伤害, 或者严重的精神或情感伤害, 给任何学生或其他人. 无论当事人是否愿意参加,都不允许欺侮.

        No student or student organization at 网易彩票下载 may conspire to eng年龄 in hazing or participate in the hazing of another. 这项政策适用于所有大学赞助的学生组织, 给他们的个人成员, 以及其他在这所大学就读的学生, and is intended to comply with 状态 law prohibiting hazing at colleges and universities (RCW 28B.10.901). A student who participates in the hazing of another may be required to forfeit 状态-funded grants, 奖学金, 或由网易彩票下载决定的一段时间的奖励.

        • 被认为危险或有害的一切形式的体育活动;
        • 以任何物体或身体击打他人;
        • 异物对身体的作用;
        • Scavenger hunts involving illegal activities, kidnapping, or abandoning a member of the community;
        • Depriving others of sleep or creation of excessive fatigue as an intentional part of activities;
        • 迫使, 强迫, 施压, 或者要求学生喝酒, 或外来或异常数量的食物或其他物质;
        • Nudity or forcing students to dress in a degrading manner; and
        • Psychological hazing: any act which is likely to compromise the dignity of a student; ca使用 embarrassment or shame to a student; ca使用 a student to be the object of 嘲笑 or malicious am使用ment; or inflict psychological or emotional harm.
        • Students may also be subject to discipline for conduct that does not amount to hazing but that still results in embarrassment, 嘲笑, 睡眠不足, 言语虐待, 或者对他人的个人羞辱.

    7. 淫荡的行为或活动, 有伤风化的, 或淫秽, 是否说明, 视觉, 口头, 写, 或电子. 除了, 禁止观看任何形式的色情材料(包括网络色情), 使用, 拥有, 或分布式. 这些材料可能包含任何具有性挑逗的内容, 显式的, 剥削, 或者值得关注. 有关SPU网络使用的相关策略的详细信息,请参见 SPU用户策略.

    8. 婚姻关系之外的性行为. Cohabitation between two persons in an amorous relationship who are not married to each other is also prohibited.

    9. 任何形式的强迫或不受欢迎的性行为, 包括性侵犯, 强奸, 性骚扰, 或者相关的行为. 有关不当性行为的政策和程序的更多信息,请参阅 不当性行为政策.

    10. 违反任何法律或任何 SPU有关酒精、毒品或烟草的政策.

    • 10.1 Students are not allowed to be on campus or at University-sponsored events (including athletic events, 任务之旅, 演出团体旅行, 等.) while under the influence of alcohol even if their consumption occurred off campus or away from these events. 学生也可以不参加, 协助, 或者提倡在校园聚会中使用酒精或非法药物. Students participating in international or study abroad programs should be aware that they are expected to abide by the 大学的政策 网易彩票app负责任地饮酒.
    • 10.2非法, 未成年人饮酒和/或持有酒精是不允许在校内外的. 在任何情况下都不允许向21岁以下的人提供酒精饮料.
    • 10.3 Hosting Gatherings Involving Alcohol or Drugs: Persons who host gatherings where alcohol is available to participants should be aware that they will be held responsible for the actions of their guests, 包括客人的消费水平. Persons who host or in any way 协助 or promote gatherings (on or off campus) that include any of the following will be subject to a mandatory $300 fine, 除其他制裁外:
      • Indication of any participant being under the influence of alcohol to a level that is irresponsible (i.e. 醉醺醺的、微醺的、嗡嗡作响的、喝醉的等.)
      • 给未成年人喝的酒或未成年人饮酒
      • 非法使用药物或非法使用管制药物
      Those living at the location where the party is held may be held responsible as hosts regardless of who provides the alcohol.

      Students should be aware that gatherings at their residence may grow beyond their ability to control due to 社会 and other electronic media. 在这种情况下,学生仍然会被视为主人, 在计划他们的活动时应该考虑这些因素.

    • 10.麻醉品:持有麻醉品的学生, 分发, 在校内外使用麻醉品(包括医用大麻), 滥用处方药, 鼠尾草, 任何形式的致幻剂, 用具, 等.)或其他兴奋剂,将受到纪律处分.
    • 10.5 .烟草的使用:为了共同的健康问题, 校园提供无烟环境. Use or display of any form of tobacco or other smoking-related options (including 但不限于 cigarettes, 雪茄, 鼻烟, 无烟烟草, 咀嚼, 麻, 水烟, 特许经销商, 用具, 设备, 等.),或在任何由大学主办的活动中,严禁携带任何物品.

      Any student found responsible for a policy violation of the drug and alcohol policy will be assessed a $100 administrative fee that goes toward covering the cost of alcohol and drug prevention programs. 无力支付学费的学生可以要求豁免,作为上诉过程的一部分.

      有关更多信息(包括有关资源的信息),请参见 校园年报

    11. 构成安全或健康危害的行为. 这些活动包括, 但不限于, entering or exiting 建筑 through the windows; throwing, 预测, 或掉落可能造成伤害的物品.

  • 11.误报或误报火警, 轰炸, 犯罪, 或其他紧急情况, 或者篡改安全设备.
  • 11.2拥有, 使用, 或在大学内展示任何枪支, 武器, 烟花, 实弹, 燃烧装置, 或其他对他人有潜在危险的物品. 这包括BB/弹丸枪, 漆枪, 空气枪, 气枪, 泰瑟枪, 任何枪支的复制品或任何假冒枪支, 吹枪, 吹枪弹药, 或者水球发射器.
  • 11.3生物危害和体液:学生使用任何形式的生物危害(例如.g. bodily waste or fluid from a human or animal) apart from any academic requirements is dangerous to the health of community members and is strictly prohibited on or off campus. 违反此政策将导致每人最低200美元的罚款, 还有清理和人员的额外费用.
  • 11.未能遵守有关健康和安全的机构政策(包括, 但不限于, 与身体距离相关的期望, 戴面罩, 和自我报告).

    12. Unauthorized possession of property belonging to the University or others; unauthorized presence in, 或未经授权使用或复制密钥, University premises or property; and activities that ca使用 or may ca使用 dam年龄 to property belonging to the University or others. 由此造成的损坏费用由相关学生承担.

  • 12.偷窃:禁止未经他人同意而夺取他人财产. 违反这一政策的学生可能会被学校停学或开除.

13. 违反其他学校政策、规章制度的行为. 住宿学生应注意 的指导方针 为居住在宿舍和公寓而设立的.
