
You’ve received a job offer, along with an offer of compensation. 首先,祝贺你! Now the big decision: do you accept the offer, or do you negotiate? 只有你能决定一个报价是否可以接受. If you believe your qualifications and 经验 merit more than what you’ve been offered, 询问薪酬方案是否可以协商. 你也许可以就福利问题进行谈判.


Your confidence that you are worth more than the employer is initially offering will likely spill over onto the employer. 当你决定谈判的时候, be sure you know ahead of time how low a salary you are willing to accept and what risks you are willing to take. Be realistic and positive rather than strident or demanding. 雇主可能会取消对不灵活的候选人的录用.

如果你是应届毕业生, 你可能会觉得你应该接受任何提议, but it is acceptable to ask whether there is room for negotiation — if you have the skills and 经验 to back up a higher offer. 

Weigh all the options according to what is most important to you both now and in the long term. Seek advice from family members and mentors, but in the end you may need to go with your gut feeling.


  • 根据你的技能进行谈判, 经验, and knowledge of the salary standards for the specific field and location. 
  • Be aware of, but never mention, personal budgetary needs as part of the negotiation. 
  • 给出一个范围,而不是一个确切的数字.


I am really excited at the prospect of working for your organization and using my skills in this position. 大家都知道, 我在这方面有直接经验, and I believe I bring significant skills to the position. 根据我的背景, 我想协商一下薪水, and am hoping that something more in the $ __ to $__ range is possible. 还有商量的余地吗?

Sometimes organizations have room to negotiate, sometimes not, especially with entry-level positions. 也, 如果雇主不愿意在薪水问题上让步, 你可能需要协商额外的福利, 比如签约奖金, 股票或股票期权, 额外的休假时间, 健身房会员、学费报销; 或者提前加薪.

以书面形式要求你的最终报价, including any promise of raises or bonuses down the line — those have a way of not materializing if they’re not in writing.

最后, you may want to be prepared to decide whether to accept less than what you had hoped for:

I appreciate your considering my request, and I understand. I am still interested, and would welcome the opportunity to join the organization.

但拒绝一份工作也是可以接受的. Do so gracefully and professionally, and in a timely fashion.你可不想自断后路.


  1. Do your research in advance on an accurate range for the position.
    • - 80% of the work of negotiation happens before you get in the room!
    • -和朋友聊天,在网上做调查.
    • - Know your work; be thoughtful about where you stack up.
    • - 也 consider the job market’s supply of qualified candidates.
    Try to determine what the hiring manager’s/company’s top challenges are, & 规划出你可以如何帮助解决这些问题
    • - Ask the hiring manager about their top challenges in the interview
  1. Always thank the interviewer and reiterate your excitement about the position.
    • -“首先,我想说我对这个角色感到非常兴奋. 我想待在这里,这就是我想要的工作.”
  2. 给出一个范围,并建议你在这个范围内的哪个位置.
    • -如果你配得上高层, 说出原因:你的属性, 经历, 促进发展, 目前的工资, 等.
    • - Frame it in terms of the company’s value, not just your own
    • - E.g. “In terms of my own research regarding this role at this company and others, 我实际看到的是4.5万到6.5万美元的范围. I think that given my 经验 and the success I’ve had in other roles 我想我也会带过来的, I believe I deserve to be at the higher end of that range.”
    • - Repeat the top challenges you learned about in the interview, 并规划出你可以如何帮助解决这些问题
    • - “It seems like what you’re telling me are that your top challenges are X, Y and Z. If you don’t mind, I prepared a document on how I would handle these three challenges. ‘Here are the challenges I’ve identified for your company … and these are the things I’ll do in the first 30, 60或90天.’"
  3. While having a clear goal, read the hiring manager as you decide whether to ask for more
    • -永远不要使用对抗的语气.
    • -“我真的很喜欢贵公司,它有我需要的东西,而且 我想确保我能长期留在那里. 网易彩票app能再谈5%吗?
  4. Once salary is maxed out, explore other types of compensation.
    • - “One of the things we didn’t talk about was other modes of compensation: 签约奖金、学费报销; 股票期权 (尤其是初创企业). 现在谈谈其中的一些合适吗?”
    • - E.g. 学费报销 -“我是一个终生学习者, and passionate about growing in this role and bringing learnings back to the company. 你们提供学费报销或资助吗?”
  5. Consider asking for a review cycle to keep the door open for future negotiations.
    • - 通常是一年, suggest a review cycle after 6 months
    • - "The one other thing I want to ask is what would be the review cycle for my performance in terms of evaluating my candidacy for promotion or a raise. 通常是一年, could we instead do a review cycle after 6 months to repeg my salary that’s more commiserate with the 经验 I’m bringing to the table?”
  6. 了解你的底线.
    • -只有你自己才能决定报价是否太低.
    • - If it is, be prepared to keep looking; it may be the best move for you.
An SPU business student networks with local employers | photo by Lynn Anselmi


Professional associations are an excellent resource for career exploration when you are starting out, 当你在新职业中成长的时候,你也可以建立人际关系网.

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搜索薪水、福利等信息. Entirely based on reviews and ratings shared by current and former employees.
你也可以用their 了解自己的价值 calculator to discover your current worth in the job market, find out if you are being paid fairly and explore ways to increase your pay.


找出你的工作可能会给你带来什么! 比较过去、现在和未来的工资.

工资 reports for various career fields, articles on benefits, and cost-of-living information.

按地区和职业搜索工资数据. You can search wages for over 800 occupations in about 400 industries in 395 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and over 130 nonmetropolitan areas across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, 关岛, 波多黎各和维尔京群岛.


Ask the company to share their range (in WA, they’re legally required to when asked)



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