

Where did you do your internship?

I interned with the Washington State legislature and was placed within the Senate Caucus on Senator Saldaña's team.

What did you get to do as part of your internship?

As part of my internship, I was able to sit in on meetings that my Senator or team was involved with. It was nice to see many different committees and how committed they were to a particular piece of legislation or to a certain issue.

How did you get connected with this internship opportunity?

I was fortunate enough to have my older sisters both text and direct message me this opportunity. At first, I wasn't sure I was qualified to even be considered for this position. After sitting on the idea, I figured the worst thing that could happen would be that I spend my time doing the application and they say no.

How did your internship impact your future personal and vocational aspirations?

This internship has educated me and impacted my life in so many ways that I didn't think it would. Being a first-generation college student, 我感到格格不入, I felt that everyone else was smarter than me or that I didn't deserve that position. 然而, after a couple of weeks, I began to realize that I am as capable as anyone else and that if it is something I am passionate about my job I won't have to work another day in my life.

SBGE Student Aubrey

支持ing Local Businesses in Ecuador

奥布里•佩恩, International Sustainable Development and 经济学 double-major, helped grow a women's micro-business during her internship with Pan de Vida in Ecuador.


Building Revenue and a Network

Business Administration major Salma Aly and her team helped to recognize a potential revenue of $1.3 million during her internship with Boeing in 西雅图.